How to Fix Parse Error/Syntax Error in WordPress

How to Fix Parse Error/Syntax Error in WordPress

Updated on Nov 14, 2022

There are numerous WordPress tutorials, guides, and code snippets available on the internet. They are all designed to encourage users to experiment with their websites and learn more about WordPress. Unfortunately, a minor error can cause the entire site to crash, which is terrifying, especially for new users. Don't panic if you tried something new on your WordPress site and received the error "Syntax error, unexpected..." You are not the first person to encounter a syntax error in WordPress, nor will you be the last. We'll show you how to fix unexpected syntax errors in WordPress in this article.

This post includes:

Using Proper Syntax to Avoid Errors

The first thing you should do is read the beginner's guide to pasting web snippets into WordPress. This article lists some of the most common mistakes beginners make when pasting code into WordPress templates. Syntax errors are typically caused by a minor but critical error in your code syntax. A missing comma or an extra curly bracket can cause the script to fail.

Did you recently copy and paste a web snippet? Have you updated a plugin? Then you probably know exactly where to look.

Fixing the Syntax Error Using FTP

To correct the Syntax Error, you must edit the code that caused the error. You have the option of removing it or fixing the syntax. Beginners frequently panic because this error renders your entire site inaccessible. You are locked out if you pasted the code into your WordPress dashboard's Appearance → Editor section. So, how do you change the code? The only way to fix this is to use FTP to access the last file you edited.

Connect the FTP program to your website after installing it, and navigate to the theme file that needs to be edited. If you forget which file to edit, just look at the error code. The error message will specify which file and line you must modify.

You can either remove the last code you added or write the code incorrectly. After you've finished removing/editing the code, save the file and re-upload it to your server. Refresh the page on your WordPress site, and your site will work.

How to Prevent the Syntax Error in WordPress

We always recommend adding custom code with a code snippets plugin like WPCode to prevent your WordPress website from breaking again.

  • WPCode makes it simple to add code snippets to WordPress without having to edit the functions.php file of your theme.
  • It also includes smart code snippet validation to help you avoid common code errors.
  • WPCode will automatically detect any errors as you enter your custom code. Hovering over the error will display helpful instructions to help you easily correct your error.
  • WPCode will also deactivate your custom code immediately if it detects a syntax error.
  • You no longer have to be concerned about breaking your site when adding code snippets.

We hope this article was useful in resolving the syntax error in WordPress. Please leave your questions and comments in the comments section.

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